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Posted on: May 26 2015


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The B/S Brace a german invention, is a modern thin, invisible brace made from fiberglass that can effectively relieve ingrown toenail symptoms instantly and correct  curved nails over time . The inherent nature of the material applies a force on the nail edge, lifting it by as much as 5 mm, straightening the curved nail back into its original shape, and eliminating excessive pressure and pain within the nail groove.

The B/S Brace is replaced every 4 weeks ,  and in time can correct the abnormal curvature of the nail, and is another alternative to ingrown toenail surgery. Can also be used to straighten curved nails improving their cosmetic appearance.


       Easy and quick application

       Stays safely in place

       Comfortable to wear

       Water-resistant and can be lacquered with
       nail polish

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